Lunchtime Arrangements
Laurence Jackson School delivers a high quality, progressive catering service for our students. The food is all prepared on the premises using local suppliers. Menus are varied and in line with the government’s drive on healthy eating.
We operate a cashless payment system for payment items (revision guides, ties, trips), including school meals. This system is called Arbor Pay and is accessible using a browser or by downloading the Arbor app on a smartphone/tablet. Every student has an account into which parents can pay. Parents must ensure that their child’s account has sufficient funds to purchase school meals. Click here for more information about Arbor.
A biometric system reads each student’s thumbprint at the till points. This is a secure system which speeds up queues at the tills.
Each year group has designated eating areas and set lunchtimes. Every student has 40 minutes for their lunch break.
The food we serve is healthy and excellent value. Students can purchase a meal for £3 and also extra items at an additional cost. We have free drinking water available in the dining areas. £3 includes:
- Main course and dessert
- Main course and carton drink or bottle of water
- Pasta King and dessert
- Pasta King and carton drink or bottle of water
- Grab bag (sandwich, dessert and carton drink or bottle of water)
- Wrap and dessert
- Wrap and carton drink or bottle of water
Students may also bring a packed lunch.
Those who have been confirmed as eligible for free school meals receive a school meal each day free of charge. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, please complete this online application form