The school day for students starts at 8:30am and finishes at 2:50pm weekdays. The current school week is 30 hours and 50 minutes. We are working towards lengthening the school day so that the school week is 32.5 hours long from September 2024.

The School Day


Year 7



8.10 Gates open
8.20 Students expected on site
8.25 Line up
8.30 Formal Register & Form Time
8.50 Period 1
9.50 Break
10.10 Period 2
11.10 Period 3
12.10 Lunch
12.50 Period 4
13.50 Period 5
14.50 End of day; enrichment activities begin

Years 8 and 9



8.10 Gates open
8.20 Students expected on site
8.25 Line up
8.30 Formal Register & Form Time
8.50 Period 1
9.50 Period 2
10.50 Break
11.10 Period 3
12.10 Period 4
13.10 Lunch
13.50 Period 5
14.50 End of day;enrichment activities begin

Years 10 and 11



8.10 Gates open
8.20 Students expected on site
8.25 Movement to form rooms
8.30 Formal Register & Form Time
8.50 Period 1
9.50 Break
10.10 Period 2
11.10 Period 3
12.10 Lunch
12.50 Period 4
13.50 Period 5
14.50 End of day;
enrichment activities begin

For lunch arrangements, please see here.