As a group, the Governors are loyal and hardworking and increasingly more so due to the raft of Government changes.

The day to day running of the school is the responsibility of the Head teacher. It is the Governing Body’s role to ensure that things are done correctly and each child receives his or her educational entitlement, as well as their whole needs being met.

As Chair I work closely with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team covering all aspects of school life.

The Full Governing Body meet four times during the year to discuss whole school issues and adopt policies The Headteacher presents a report on behalf of her Team. Feedback from committees and Governor Link reports also feature.

Finally, Governors are encouraged to establish specific staff links within school, reporting on visits several times a year. Governor training is also on offer during the year.

Chair of Governors – Dr C Jackson.

If you would like to contact the Local Governing body please address your contact to: Dr C Jackson at Laurence Jackson School, Church Lane, Guisborough, North Yorkshire, TS14 6RD.

View Governor Documents Here

Governors must declare any relevant business interests as well as the details of any other educational establishments they govern. The register must also set out any relationships between governors and members of the schools staff including spouses, partners and relatives. It is important to address any perception of a conflict of interests by making clear where such potential personal or pecuniary interests might apply; this might be a conflict between personal interests and the interests of the school or the Council when dealing with outside organisations or individuals.

Note 1. Pecuniary interest includes current employment, businesses (of which partner/proprietor), company directorship, charity trusteeship and other conflict.
Note 2. Personal Interests can also include business involvement/company directorship or trusteeships or family or close connections to the governor (for example a company the school might have contracts with).

Examples (potential conflicts):

  • A governor whose spouse/partner is employed by the school – Should not take part in discussion regarding the school’s pay policy or any staffing matter that might impact on their partner. Both direct and indirect decisions might impact on the salary range of senior staff e.g. increasing pupil numbers.
  • A governor involved with any committee group, business or after school club who hire part of the school – Should not be party to discussion involving the use of the school or their charging policy.
  • A governor who is a supplier of goods or services to the school – Should not take part in decisions regarding the letting of contracts for that type of goods or services where a sub-contract relationship might exist.

The register of governor interests must also include details of attendance record at the governing body meetings.
Associate governors must be included on the register and it should be clear when they have voting rights.
The school is required to maintain a similar register of staff interests that should also be reviewed annually – as specified in the NCC code of conduct. Staff had previously been included with the governor’s declarations but in light of the governing body register of interests being required to be published on the school web site, a separate register should be drawn up. Staff governors will need to be included on both registers.