Laurence Jackson School is an inclusive school, we are committed to meeting the needs of all our students. We value all young people equally and we guide and support our students to develop the characteristics which enable them to fulfil their potential and be happy, successful individuals who contribute to a sustainable community.

Students are at the centre of all that we do, the positive relationships which we form with students, parents and carers, professional agencies and staff are an essential part of ensuring the best possible learning opportunities to inspire excellence in every student.

We have high expectations and provide a nurturing environment that enables all students to make the best possible progress. All students are entitled to have the support and education that enables them to make progress through the provision of a quality curriculum which is planned to ensure access for all. This is underpinned by Quality First Teaching which ensures that students who have additional learning needs are supported with their learning and wider development.

Support For Children with SEND

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What to do if you are concerned your child has SEND

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SEND Policy

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The Graduated Approach to Support

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Our SEND Team in School

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How to contact us

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Home School Communication

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Local Offer

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Outside Agency Support

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Statement of Intent:

At Laurence Jackson School, SEND provision is integral to the school aims and the principles underpinning this policy are those upon which the whole school ethos is based:

  • We focus on being ready, respectful, resilient and reflective with relationships at the centre of our ethos;
  • We aim to inspire excellence in our students by raising expectations and levels of achievement and progress;
  • Our ethos makes us an inclusive school, engendering a sense of community and belonging by recognising, rewarding and valuing diversity among our students;
  • We use positive intervention and aim to remove barriers to learning to give students the opportunity to fulfil their potential

The policy for SEND at Laurence Jackson School is therefore based upon several fundamental beliefs:

  • Early identification of students needs is fundamental to providing the support that they need as soon as possible.
  • Working closely with Primary Schools and Post 16 providers is fundamental to ensuring smooth and successful transitions for our students 
  • We believe in the right for all students to have access to a broad and balanced quality curriculum, which is relevant and planned to allow access for all and which demonstrates progression and coherence.
  • We believe that all teachers should be regarded as teachers of SEND with the ability to identify and provide for those pupils who have special educational needs through Quality First Teaching.
  • Students with special educational needs should not be disadvantaged in any way for example being able to join in activities and trips together with students who do not have special educational needs, so far as is reasonably practical and compatible with the child receiving the special educational provision and the efficient education of the students with whom they are educated.
  • We believe that all students can experience success in learning. We are aware that the right to a common curriculum does not automatically ensure access to it, nor progress within it. Therefore, we believe that it is the role of all senior leaders, teachers and support staff to eliminate, as far as possible, the barriers that prevent pupils from participating fully.
  • We believe in robust data tracking and monitoring to assess students’ progress regularly thought the year and this help formulate actions relating to possible required interventions, curriculum modifications or further links with professional agencies.
  • We believe that participation in the curriculum by students with SEND is most likely to be achieved by encouraging good practice for all students
  • We believe that maximum success and progress can only be achieved by the joint cooperation, understanding and planning of staff, parents/carers, students, governors, support services and the Local Authority.

What to do if you are concerned that your child has SEND

Parents/Carers, teaching, pastoral and support staff can refer students for further assessment and investigation through the SEND Panel. Parents/carers are encouraged to contact Laurence Jackson if they feel that their child may have special educational needs.

If you have a concern about a specific subject, please contact your child’s subject teacher in the first instance.

Contact the SEND Team:

A member of the team will respond to your enquiry within 48 hours of receipt.

SEND Panel

Our SEND Panel meets once a half term to review students who have been referred by parents/carers, teaching, pastoral or support staff. Parents are informed via a letter if their child has been referred and the referral accepted by the SEND Panel. Further communication will then be made with parents/carers regarding the outcomes of the SEND Panel.

SEND Panel Dates

Friday 18th October

Friday 13th December

Thursday 20th February

Thursday 10th April

Friday 13th June

SEND Policy

The SEND policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:

  • SEND Information Report
  • Admissions Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy: Students (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
  • Student Confidentiality Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Records Management Policy
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy
  • Catch up Policy
  • Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Careers Policy
  • Suspension and Exclusion Policy
  • Behavioural Policy
  • Complaints Procedures Policy
  • Accessibility Policy/Plan

The Graduated Approach

Students who are identified as requiring special education provision additional to/different from the mainstream provision will be recorded on the school’s SEND register and this is reviewed termly.

Through the termly review process and in consultation with parents/carers, students may be removed from the SEND register if, following the required support, they are seen to make and maintain progress.

At Laurence Jackson School we identify the levels of SEND need as follows:


Level Identified



Monitoring (Wave 1)

Students who have an identified need that is met through quality first classroom teaching and planning.


SEND Support

Students where additional support and interventions are required including support from specialist agencies as required.



Students with an Education Health and Care Plan.

Laurence Jackson School recognises that there is a continuum of SEND and adopts a graduated response to meeting these needs.

This SEND support will follow a cycle (Assess, Plan, Do, Review) in which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the student’s needs and of what supports the student in making good progress and securing good outcomes.

It draws on more detailed approaches, more frequent review and more specialist expertise in successive cycles in order to match interventions to the SEND of children and young people.

  • Assess by establishing a clear, internal assessment of the student’s needs through a SEND Panel referral
  • Plan in collaboration with the student’s parents/carers and teaching/pastoral/support staff the support and interventions to be put in place, as well as the expected impact
  • Do, implement the interventions and support with oversight and guidance from the SEND Team
  • Review the effectiveness of the interventions and support as part of Laurence Jackson’s termly review processes and make any necessary revisions

Our SEND Team


Becky Alderson
Assistant Headteacher


Julie Shaw
(Key Stage 3)


Annie Proudman
(Key Stage 4)


Gail Collins
Lead LSA
Vulnerable Students


Emma Harrison
Lead LSA


Michelle Rowe
Lead LSA
Preparing for Adulthood

How to contact us:

Contact the SEND

A member of the team will respond to your enquiry within 48 hours of receipt.

Home/School Communication for parents and carers of children with SEND

At Laurence Jackson School we work in partnership with parents/carers to support our students. It is very important that parents/carers are informed of and involved in all aspects of their child’s education and we welcome contact from parents.

All students named on the SEND register are allocated a member of the SEND Team to provide parents/carers and students with and increased opportunity to communicate and collaborate with our team. There are scheduled review evenings once per term where parents/carers and students have the opportunity for a 15 minute in person appointment with their allocated member of the SEND Team between 3:00pm and 6:00pm




Tuesday 10th December

15:00 – 17:00

EHCP Review Evening

Parent/Carers invited to attend

Monday 16th December

15:00 – 18:00

SEND Support Review Evening

All Parent/Carers and Students identified as SEND Support are invited to book an appointment

Tuesday 18th March

15:00 – 17:00

EHCP Review Evening

Parent/Carers invited to attend

Monday 24th March 

15:00 – 18:00

EHCP Students (E)

Monday 20th March

Tuesday 17th June 

15:00 – 17:00

EHCP Review Evening

Parent/Carers invited to attend

Monday 23rd June 

15:00 – 18:00

SEND Support Review Evening

All Parent/Carers and Students identified as SEND Support are invited to book an appointment

We also hold termly coffee mornings as an informal drop in for parents and carers. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. We also invite in specialist services to support at these events. Details are shared via our Social Media streams.




Autumn Term

Tuesday 24th September 

11:15am – 12:15pm 

All Parents/Carers of Students who attend Laurence Jackson School are welcome to attend. Please use the Main Hall Entrance

Spring Term

Wednesday 29th January

 11:15am – 12:15pm 

Summer Term

Tuesday 11th July

  11:15am – 12:15pm

All Parents/Carers of Students who attend Laurence Jackson School are welcome to attend. Including Year 6 Parent/Carers. Please go to the Youth Centre.

Students with an EHCP also have termly online appointments, alongside their Annual Review with parents and other professionals involved with the young person, in line with the SEND Code of Practice.

Local Authority Offer:

The Local Authority’s Offer for children and young people with SEND and their families is accessible through their website, People’s Information Network:

Outside Agency Support:

At Laurence Jackson School we work closely with a range of professionals both internally and externally to ensure that appropriate specialists, equipment and facilities are available to support our SEND learners. We have strong, established links with various outside agencies. We work closely with colleagues in health, social care and the Local Authority.

We apply to the Local Authority Resource and Support Panel to request additional support from external professions and outside agencies as well as to request additional ‘High Needs’ funding, as appropriate.

We invite outside agencies to contribute to the planning and review of our SEND students. Any agency involved in meeting the needs of a student with an Education Health Care Plan is invited to attend and contribute to the Annual Review.